


If an intruder comes close to the camera, it can turn the spotlight on to illuminate the area; everything is automatically controlled by the camera that senses the motion using the PIR sensor, so it works with people and animals.

This feature is awesome and I even found a new application for it...

When installing indoors, the camera can detect people or animals walking at nighttime and turn the spotlight on, which is very helpful.

My wife likes this feature because it helps her when she needs to go to the kitchen and get the way automatically illuminated by the camera.

The picture below shows the Argus 3 with the spotlight on... look how bright it is. 

The cat walking around turns the camera's spotlight on.

Bi-directional audio

The Argus 3 has a speaker and a microphone that you can use for bi-directional audio communication to hear the sounds around the camera and speak into a mobile phone to someone close to the camera.

I've tested this feature, and it works pretty well, I can talk to my wife and daughter remotely, and the sound is good enough for our communication.

Note :


This content is uploaded by APPS CONNECT Developer and available on Google Play Store. APPS CONNECT Developer do not own this content and this content credits to their respective owners listed in the source link. Hopefully useful and please share this app.

Design and Coded by (Rio Ilham Hadi) 08888905441